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2010/2/12 10:57:25 来源:国际在线

      内容摘要: Eat five servings of fruit and vegetables a day and dont eat because you are anything other than hungry.  1. 理性减肥很重要――关于什么排毒减肥餐、排毒养身法的就别管了。


  1. Dont bother with detoxing diets or regimes. There is no evidence that any of them work and your body detoxes itself quite well already thanks. Detox diets are usually highly restrictive and very low in calories. There is no magic bullet in dieting. Its all about sensible calorie restriction and exercise. Eat five servings of fruit and vegetables a day and dont eat because you are anything other than hungry.

  1. 理性减肥很重要――关于什么排毒减肥餐、排毒养身法的就别管了。根本没有证据表明它们真的有用,而感谢上帝你的身体本身就能很好地排毒。排毒减肥餐通常都异常严格、并且卡路里量极低。要记住在减肥中,没有什么速成法。最有用就是理性控制卡路里摄入、多做运动。每天吃5份蔬果,还有,除非真的饿了,否则别吃东西。
